3.1 Comment blocks vs scattered comments
Describe a group of logic at the beginning of the file (in the header) or at the top of a block or group of blocks. Avoid scattering the comment for a related logic. Typically the reader would like to go through the comment and then understand the code itself. Scattered comment can make this exercise more tedious.
3.2 Meaningful comments
Do not include what is obvious in the code in your comments. The comment should typically cover what is not expressed through the code itself.
History of a particular implementation, why a particular signal is used, any
algorithm being implemented etc.
3.3 Single line comments
Use single line comments where ever possible. i.e. Use comments starting with ’//’ rather than ’/* .. */’ style. This makes it easy to cut-paste or move around the code and comments. It is also easy to follow the indentation with single line comments which makes the code more readable.
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